Join the Lake Jordan HOBO and make a difference in your community!
By becoming a Lake Jordan HOBO member, your very affordable dues will go directly towards supporting amazing local projects that positively impact our neighborhood. Here are just a few examples of how the dues are spent: help purchase t-shirts and provide lunch for our annual lake cleanup; buy water quality testing supplies; buy safety-related items (cables for the ALEA buoys, flashing lights to mark the No Wake Zones for the 4th of July); donations to the local VFD's that cover our lake; sponsor fun activities like the pier decorating contests and boat parades; HOBO Scholarships; and finally, everyone loves the big fireworks show on the 4th of July!
Join us today and help us create a better future for Lake Jordan.
NEXT HOBO MEETING April 28th @ 7pm Dinner will be available at 6:30pm if you want to eat before the meeting. Location at YMCA Camp Chandler.
Lake Jordan Home Owners & Boat Owners Association, Inc. is a 501c3 membership organization in Alabama.
Our Mission To work together to preserve, protect and enhance the overall quality of life of all living things in and around Lake Jordan; including but not limited to, water levels and water quality, shoreline preservation, fishing, wildlife, recreational activities and the safety of everyone using the lake.